Hi :)

My name is Jamie and I will be your social media go-to girl for Camp Terry this summer! :) I am very excited and have a lot of ideas that will help you get to know more about this camp and see everything from weekly updates to pictures/videos! We have sites on facebook, twitter and photobucket. If you would like to visit them, just click on the links at the top of this page. There are also currently two newsletters that have been created (that I will post somewhere on here) and pictures from week 1 and 2 uploaded on our facebook friend page and photobucket account! If you would like more info on how to view those pictures (they are password protected to keep the kids safe!) just reply to this or email me at jamie.ymcacampterry@gmail.com and let me know how you are associated with the camp this summer!

I look forward to posting more on this blog site and hope you enjoy it, too! If your kids see me walking around snapping photos be sure to have them stop, say hi and pose for a picture!!

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